They are medical white oils undergoing very strict refining processes, colorless and odorless and conforming to the regulations of the industry.
Thanks to their limited molecular composition and their high purity they are used in the agrochemical industry.
Oils for antiparasitics, thanks to their longer shelf life and low reactivity, resist hydrolytic degrading, oxidation and rancidification.
The chemical inertia against active ingredients, used in the production processes of phytosanitary products, paired with stringent checks on refining, ensure high consistent formulation.
They are free from preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, solvents and heavy metals. Moreover, their hydrophobic patterns prevent microbiological organisms forming.
They are nontoxic and free of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons (APH), thus, apt for all those applications requiring direct contact with humans. They do not cause irritation or allergies to the skin.
They are used in fruit farming and citrus cultivation. In general, they are apt for pest control (cochineals, aphids and whiteflies).
These oils are registered as active substances as per Regulation 1107/2009 CE Annex I, with CAS N° 8042-47-5. They also conform to purity laws set by the Italian Official Pharmacopeia, European (Latest Ed.) and to the American laws F.D.A. 21 CFR 178.3620 (a), to NF, JECFA and to numerous International Pharmacopeia.
They are listed under TSCA, AICS, DSL, MITI and registered with REACH.